Found Some New Fabric to Love
>> Friday, May 29, 2009
I so love this new collection by Scarlet Fig. Something to dream about.
I so love this new collection by Scarlet Fig. Something to dream about.
I finished my charm purse tonight. I love the bag and overall I am happy with it. But it was my first time sewing laminated fabric and well my little sewing machine did not like it. I am going to have to research some techniques or use wax paper to help it feed better in the future. Any advice?
Okay so it is a boring Wednesday night here in Alabama. The kids are asleep and I am extremely bored with quilting by latest WHIP, so I am moving on for now and hoping motivation will strike soon.
Okay so despite all my attempts to quit shopping . I have failed once again. This time, I was enticed by the new Amy Butler software from ElectricQuilt Company. Check out a few of the projects.
After many hours and very sore neck. I've had to stop and face the fact that this won't be finished in time for this weekends baby shower. Well it will be finished but not mailed in time to make it to Erin (the mother to be) by Sat. I am so disappointment. But this is what procrastination gets you and I am a notorious procrastinator. But it really wasn't that I procrastinated that much on this one I just never expected the quilting to take so long and with a small machine you can only imagine the difficulties at each turn of the corner and every little square. But I am loving the result and I think the choice of corduroy for the back ground was excellent. I can't wait for little Cole to arrive and get some use out of this quilt.
Finally after weeks of procrastination, I finished making all the squares for my sports themed Ragged Squares quilt. So late tonight, I hope to get around to assembling it and then finishing it off. Here's a peak at the quilt.
So after my town had three reported cases of Swine Flu, my husband and I have been forced off work the last two days due to all schools and daycares being closed. So this afternoon when I got home from work I decided to work on my photography skills a little and play with the camera I got for christmas from my wonderful hubby. Here are a few shots...
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