Spoiler Alert: Turn Away Now Angela

>> Monday, April 4, 2011

Okay so I am not sure if she looks at my blog or even if she knows it exists. But just in case she does I've alerted her to turn her eyes away now...

My finished Princess & Pea Quilt. I absolutely love it and love that it will be going to one of the best homes ever. I know Angela and Andy will treasure it for a lifetime.

Lilacs for Lyra

>> Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I am steadily moving ahead on my project list. Over the weekend I was able to finish up a little play mat for our newest cousin Lyra. She just a month old this week and I can't wait to meet her. I know her three sisters are absolutely in love with her. I am hoping this little mat will provide her a little play space of her own now and down the road.

Princess & Pea Quilt

>> Saturday, March 12, 2011

Well, well , well...I've known for about 4 or 5 months now that I was going to at some point get an invitation to our closest friend's baby shower and I've known for about 4 or 5 months that I was going to make this quilt for her but what have done those 4 or 5 months. PROCRASTINATED. My middle name when it comes to everything in my personal life. Work is a bit of different story...So the invite comes, I have a million things going on at work and I agreed to making a costume for colleague's daughter's play, so as soon as I saw the invite and the date I panicked. How? When? Can I get done in less than 4 weeks with everything going on right now? And what about the costume and other quilt for my new cousin. Oh my....

I know it will happen and if not at least I will have a photo to say I've started and promise to finish by June when the baby is born.  I'm really not sure what the overall plan is pattern wise. It will surely come to me as I go and I have million different versions floating through my head. In effort to at least attempt to accomplish it all in 4 weeks. So here is the first panel for the quilt. My fussy cutting large scale applique of the princess and the pea image from Heather Ross's Far Far Away fabric.

 Now I can in good conscience I can get started on the costume I 'm to make and come back to this in a week or two. There is a lot of hand sewing and alot of pieces to still be cut and sewn before this quilt is done. But with a looming deadline I'll at least be motivated and not procrastinate......I hope.

Return Date Unknown...

>> Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Yes, it has been awhile and Yes, it will be a lot longer. In the middle of a massive work project right now and not time to craft. I am working on new baby quilt. Photos to come once I finish. if that day will ever come.  Sorry for the long delay. Hopefully, by summer things will return to normal and I'll have time to re-enter my craft room.

Missing my Machine

Happy Holidays To All

>> Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Recylcing for a New Bag

>> Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reading one of my old friend's blog the other day, BUP, I was inspired by the post about CourtneyCourtney, a local Philly children's clothing designer who recycles clothing into new modern day super cute outfits of kids. Her outfits and post inspired me to upcycle a few of the items in my to be repaired stash into a new bag for myself. It's a little kitchey and little retro and probably a little to young looking for this 30 year old but I was pretty proud of my make shift bag. The items used were 1-old wool scarf and 2- old plaid shirts. The pattern was self made design it as you go pattern. So no really pattern at all. Here's a photo of the end result. And BTW my friend Bernadette is an excellent photographer if you're near the Philly area definitely give her call.

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